Thursday 1 February 2018

Location Scouting

 When making our trailer, we will most likely shoot scenes in the streets and alleyways, as it adds a thriller aspect to the parody genre. As the protagonist of our film, i will also hide behind bushes an trees etc when following the suspect, to create a sense of comedy. The first few scenes will be shot in the classroom by placing a table and chair in front of the whiteboard, which will also have writing etc on it. This will represent the protagonists' main work/leads on suspects. The scenes with the Mob Boss may also be shot in the opposite ends of the classroom, or may be shot in basement areas, due to the lack of light. This will add a sense of mystery to our production, as he's face will be covered and all the audience will see at first will be a lit cigar. This may however present a problem, as we might have to use some forms of light enhancement to see the Mob Boss' face.

We  chose these areas in particular because they are close to the school and will require us to not travel as far with the equipment etc. This also saves us time, which could be used for other aspects of our coursework as well, e.g. our blog work.