Friday 24 November 2017

Web Research for Costumes, Props and Locations

We plan to use classic detective conventions to design our main character's outfits- we chose to use this design because the people we asked to do our survey showed a positive response to them, for an example take a look at the man in the image below:
Image result for trench coat detective

Our second character, who is in the mob will wear a classic gangster outfit, like the one seen below:
Related image

This will be the fedora we will buy and use, from the models photo I can tell it is very good:

The cast will likely bring in most of these costumes from home, but we will look into purchasing anything we don't have. E.g; a fedora.

This is the kind of gun that commonly appeared in classic detective films:
Image result for colt revolver 1960

But because we're making a parody movie we will try and make a comedic version of this gun (or another from this era), e.g; a water pistol, as seen below:
Image result for water pistol revolver

This is another fake gun that could fit in with the parody aspect of our film:

Because our detective has a smoking habit, we will use fake cigarettes:


Like a lot of the classic detective films we will shoot our film, in darkly lit rooms, alley ways and deserted areas- these locations fit the aesthetic of those films well and they can easily be parodied in a comedy movie.

Image result for alleyway

Image result for dark room

Monday 20 November 2017

Questionnaire Responses

After we created our survey, we distributed it among social media such as Twitter and Facebook. We also placed a link to our survey in the comments of various parody film trailers and asked if people would be willing to take it. From our responses we determined that 80% of the people who took the survey prefer over the top parodies, rather than the 20% who prefer them to be subtle. We also found out that 80% of the people would like our movie to include comical weapons and 20% would like to see classic weapons. Finally, the majority of people who took the survey prefer the element of humor within parody movies, which came up as 60% with romance being only 40%.

When designing our survey, we also asked people what clothing they would like the protagonist of our film to wear. Most of the responses that came back told us that the public would like him to wear the typical detective outfit, e.g. a trench coat and a detective’s hat. However there were some responses that would like to see modern clothing within the film instead.

Here are some screenshots of some of the data from our survey. We hope to use this information to create/improve on our movie so that the audience will go and see it.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Questionnaire Questions

1. What is your favorite parody film?

2. Why do you like the film above and how would you improve it?

3. Do you prefer over the top parody's or films that take a more subtle approach?

4. What did you mean by that?

5. What is your least favorite parody film and why?

6. Describe the outfit you would like the protagonist to wear.

7. What weapons would you like to see in this film?

8. How many parody films have you seen in the past five years?

9. What elements do you enjoy most in this genre of films?

10. What platform do you typically watch films on?