Friday 24 November 2017

Web Research for Costumes, Props and Locations

We plan to use classic detective conventions to design our main character's outfits- we chose to use this design because the people we asked to do our survey showed a positive response to them, for an example take a look at the man in the image below:
Image result for trench coat detective

Our second character, who is in the mob will wear a classic gangster outfit, like the one seen below:
Related image

This will be the fedora we will buy and use, from the models photo I can tell it is very good:

The cast will likely bring in most of these costumes from home, but we will look into purchasing anything we don't have. E.g; a fedora.

This is the kind of gun that commonly appeared in classic detective films:
Image result for colt revolver 1960

But because we're making a parody movie we will try and make a comedic version of this gun (or another from this era), e.g; a water pistol, as seen below:
Image result for water pistol revolver

This is another fake gun that could fit in with the parody aspect of our film:

Because our detective has a smoking habit, we will use fake cigarettes:


Like a lot of the classic detective films we will shoot our film, in darkly lit rooms, alley ways and deserted areas- these locations fit the aesthetic of those films well and they can easily be parodied in a comedy movie.

Image result for alleyway

Image result for dark room

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