Wednesday 11 October 2017

Comprehensive Analysis Of Genre

We have chosen to create a parody of the mystery/ detective genre. So the following will be an analysis of the parody genre as a whole. A parody is 'an imitation of a style of a particular writer, artist or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comedic effect. Parody films and their components are often defined by their sub genre- meaning that if it's a parody of a horror film (E.g Scary Movie) it will utilize the conventions of a straight horror film such as dark lighting and themes, sudden shocks and other common conventions or cliches of the genre and tip them on their head in order to create a comedic situation.

Parodies will often parody famous or iconic scenes from the film or genre they are parodying: an example of this would be "High Anxiety" which parodies famous scenes from Hitchcock movies without resorting to directly copying them.

The characters in parody films will often be based on common archetypes or popular characters from their respective sub-genres.

The props in parody movies will usually subvert the cliches of the movies they are parodying by turning serious props like a gun into something absurd like a banana.

Image result for High Anxiety posterRelated image

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