Monday 30 April 2018

Filming Diary

Day 1: The first day of filming all went according to plan, with hardly any mistakes/mishaps from the actors. We got the shots we needed and started the editing process.  

Day 2: On the second day of filming, we encountered a few problems. These problems mainly consisted of other students walking onto the filming set, as well as other various issues including noise control and a lack of props/costumes etc. 

Day 3: We ran into a couple of issues regarding the weather, the main one being the fact that it rained most of the day, in which case we had to cease filming until it stopped. This meant that we did not get much filmed on that day and were forced to re-shoot the scenes at a later time.   

Day 4: On the fourth day of filming, our luck turned around and we were able to shoot some really great scenes and edit them into part of our final product. This was exactly what we needed after the last two days of filming.

Day 5: We managed to get some decent shots on the fifth day, but did however have to re-shoot quite a few outstanding scenes from the previous days, mainly being days two and three. This was a long process as we had to go over all of our previous footage and figure out what shots we needed to film again.

Day 6: The final day of filming was pretty hassle free, as we recorded the last remaining scenes and then edited them into our final product, finishing our trailer for good.

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