Monday 23 April 2018

Shot List

1) Shot of protagonist sitting at desk asleep
2) CUT TO: shot of black screen with opening line "THIS SUMMER"
3) Protagonist is still at desk asleep
4) CUT TO: shot of black screen with line "COMES A MOVIE LIKE NO OTHER"
5) Phone rings and protagonist picks it up
6) Side shot of protagonist in conversation
7) He picks up and turns over an envelope half way
8) Side shot of him turning the rest of the envelope over
9) Protagonist chugs a bottle of whisky
10) He stands up half way as the shot cuts
11) Close up of his face
12) CUT TO: shot of black screen with line "IT'S TARANTINO WITH A TWIST"
13) Mid shot of protagonist walking through the doors
14) Shot of him sitting down and falling over the chair
15) Protagonist gets back up and sits on the chair
16) Mob boss' opening dialogue
17) Protagonist engages in a conversation
18-21) Montage scenes with (v.o) and actors' names
22-23) Back to dialogue between mob boss and protagonist
24) Both characters stand up to engage in a handshake
25) Close up of the hand as protagonist leans in to kiss the mob boss' hand
26) Shot of mob boss pulling his hand away and slapping the protagonist
27) Downwards shot of protagonist holding his face
28-30) Upwards shots of mob boss speaking in anger
31) Stationary shot of protagonist walking towards the exit doors
32) CUT TO: shot of black screen with the film title
33) Dialogue between the mob boss and his henchman
34) CUT TO: shot of black screen with the release date etc

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