Tuesday 8 May 2018


When editing our trailer, we used numerous tactics to get our message across to the audience and to make them want to see our film. Firstly, we used various camera angles etc to make certain characters appear more dominant than others, e.g. we used high angle shots when filming the mob boss and low angle shots when filming the private investigator, which helped to connote that the mob boss is superior to the P.I. and that he should not be taken lightly. We also left in a few mistakes and added in some horribly cut shots to our trailer, as a way to show the audience that we are breaking the typical conventions of the genre, as well as adding a comical affect in the process. Mise en scene also played a part in the project as it allowed us to again parody the classic detective genres, via the use of period correct clothing such as top hats and a Sam Spade style trench coat etc. We also played around with the lighting in our final product and managed to make our trailer black and , which is also very typical of the 40’s style Marilyn Monroe movies, as well as adding artificial lighting through the use of flashlights/lightbulbs etc. Finally, we were able to find some quite forestry areas to film in, which added an aesthetic and natural aspect to the trailer itself.     

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