Wednesday 9 May 2018

Filming/ Editing Reflection

When all is said and done, I'm quite pleased with our end product. Though there were some ups and downs in our productions and certain aspects would have been made a lot easier with some better planning, but in the end we persevered and created a product that we're all proud of.

 Our first main obstacle was the selection of our shooting locations, because we were creating a period piece we had to be conscious that we couldn't show any modern technology, such as cars, smart phones and modern clothing ect. So we had to shoot in reletivly secluded locations, so we could could control what appeared on set. Some locations had a lot of footfall and others had parked cars, which would obviously be a detrimental to the setting we were trying to create.

Another issue, which persisted throughout the filmaking process was communication issues which lead to a litany of probelsm such as actors not showing up on time, missing props and actors ect. Some of the actors also had other commitments to their other lessons and in their personal lives, which led to us shooting scnenes later than we had ideally wanted and prolonged the filming process further.

Once we reached the editing stage, we had to re-learn how to edit as we had forgotten a lot of the skills we had learnt to edit out AS project.

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