Tuesday 8 May 2018


Synergy has been created in my product through the use of various aspects. Firstly, i used the exact same fonts and colors in both my magazine cover and my film poster, as a way to convey the same messages etc across all three of my media. The titles/other texts were always written in red, which could signify that the main character is in some kind of danger. I also chose to use the Total Film magazine brand when designing my magazine cover because it is a well respected logo and is specific to movies. This means that people are more likely to view my product, as they will follow the word of a magazine that they trust. The different range of textual details that were carried over into all three of my products, included the color scheme, font type and costumes/facial expressions etc. As you can see from my trailer, magazine cover and poster, i have used the same costumes and props. I also portrayed the same stern facial expressions as a way to link my three media together and to show that the main character may have a dark side of sorts. I also conveyed this message through the use of lighting, e.g. having the character standing in the light. This could be a way of contrasting his outer darkness, with the fact that deep down inside, he is really the good guy.
From conducting a second survey/focus group, I was able to determine what my target audience thought of the finished product. After this audience watched the finished trailer, we asked them a series of questions about what they liked and what they didn't like. We were surprised to find out that the audience believed that us making the film a PG was a bad decision, as it did not fit the parody genre that well. We did however find out that the audience enjoyed the various costumes/props etc, as they were reminiscent of the classical detective genre and characters such as Sam Spade etc. After conducting the second focus group etc, we were pleased to know that the audience stood behind our final product and this gave us a sense of fulfillment and success. We wanted to make our product a parody, due to the fact we are massive parody film fans ourselves and also the fact that there has not been a descent parody film released on the market in a long time. We also wanted to choose this specific audience (PG) because it meant that anybody could see the film, e.g. families and also people who just want to watch an enjoyable movie every now and again.

We used a wide range of technology when constructing/creating our product to show that we are diverse in terms of our skills. For the filming of my trailer etc, I used a professional high quality style camera and also a low quality handheld camera. I only used this camera for the montage scenes etc, as it was easier to carry around/set up. With the editing of my trailer/magazine cover and poster, I used an editing software known as Premier Pro, to create the final products. This is due to the fact that it was user friendly and that I was able to create professional style movies for nothing. In terms of the presentation of all my research/coursework, i used website called Blogger, which is a unique way of presenting coursework etc in the form of a blog. I also used Survey Monkey to create/present my audience surveys and their feedback.

Image result for bloggerImage result for survey monkeyImage result for handheld cameraImage result for handheld cameraImage result for adobe premiere proImage result for adobe premiere pro

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