Tuesday 8 May 2018

Mood Board

As we are creating a parody of the mystery/noir genre, we took inspiration from the aesthetic of both parody films and noir films. The noir genre typically utilized a dark and brooding aesthetic which melded well with the dark subject matter these films often dealt with. The protagonists in these kinds of films tended to be stern, intelligent and skilled in their detective field. A good example of the kind of character we looked at for inspiration was Humphrey Bogart, who wore a now conventional outfit consisting of a trench coat and a trilby, he was also often seen smoking a cigarette. In his films he was also a talented, suave detective who would always complete his case.

Though we took inspiration from those classic films, we find that parody is at it's best when it subverts stereotypes and reveals the absurdity of it's subject. So in contrast to the serious noir aesthetic, we also took inspiration from parody movies and defied audience expectations by making our detective a bumbling, untalented idiot. This like all parodies do creates an interesting and humorous dynamic between the absurdity of the characters and the seriousness of the plot.

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